About Jingwen Yao

Born 1990 in Beijing, China.

Working and living in Berlin, Germany since 2020.

My artistic practice is driven by a desire to address pressing social issues and to inspire actions that promote positive social impacts. My recent works focus on two primary topics: environmental crises and gender challenges.

When exploring environmental themes, I strive to portray the regenerative power of nature while reflecting on overconsumption issues. My paintings often feature man-made objects that have been abandoned or neglected and eventually overtaken by nature. Endangered pollinators are another focal point of my art and research, aiming to raise awareness about the global decline of pollinators and their vital role in our food system.

In my gender-themed portraiture, I delve into the contrasting perspectives of the male gaze and the female gaze. While the male gaze still dominates throughout art history and the present media, I aim to incorporate authentic narratives from the female perspective. By placing a man in a traditionally female position, I reverse the roles of the artist and the subject, allowing viewers to reflect on the power dynamics of the "gaze" and the societal constructs that shape our understanding of gender.

I work primarly with acrylic, watercolour, and ink as they provide immediate results and allow me to capture every fleeting feeling of the moment with expressive brushwork and vibrant colors. I occasionally integrate mirrors into my works, creating an immersive and reflective experience for viewers. Through my art, I aim to captivate viewers, evoke emotions and draw attention to the issues that deeply concern me.